Basics 2010 :
Category - Open Senior single mixed
Event - single competition with special prize money for women
Handicap over 55 = 1 point / game / year (ladies + 5 points extra)
Entry fee See the Shedule list
Re-entry fee See the Shedule list
4 Players per pair of lanes in all qualifying squads
Lane movement : after 3 games will move forward to next pare of lane to the right to play next 3 games
Re-entry : 6 games
Tournament format :
Qualification: 6 + 6 games
Desperado : 3 players go to semifinal
Semifinal: 21 players from qualification + 3 players from Desperado will play 6 games starting from scratch
Final men : Best 8 - playing Steppleader final
Final women : Best 3 - playing Steppleader final